Katikati Football Club Endorses New Sports Chaplain
Kia ora, I’m Adrian Taylor and I’ve been involved in Katikati Football Club for 11 years as a parent,
supporter, social player, club committee member and club secretary, and junior girls coach. I’m currently
completing my accreditation with Sports Chaplaincy New Zealand and can now begin serving the
footballing community as its sports chaplain. You’ll probably see me around the fields coaching the U13
Girls Pink Lightning in my pink socks! I’m available to contact and connect on 027 824 3505.
A quick word about the role of a Sports Chaplain:
A Sports Chaplain is a volunteer whose primary role is to support their sporting community by being a
regular presence. They will provide pastoral care and mentoring to assist the mental, emotional and
spiritual wellbeing of sports people and their whanau, both in daily life and in times of crisis.
A Sports Chaplain is not a paid staff member of the sporting community they serve, nor deemed to be a
coach, sports psychologist, team manager, or other such official.
A Sports Chaplain is not a qualified counsellor or health professional and will refer individuals to such
More information can be found at Sports Chaplaincy New Zealand